How To Fix Tiny Khmer Font In Telegram New Method 2023

The default Khmer font on Telegram for computers is small. To solve this problem, you need to change the default font of Microsoft Windows by updating the registry.

*Method 1* 

Download this font !KhmerOSBattambang.ttf or !KhmerOSSiemreap.ttf install it then restart your Computer or Telegram.

*Method 2* 

Step 1: Press Win+R to open Run and then type Regedit.

Step 2: Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes.

Step 3: Then change MS Shell Dlg2 to Khmer Font that you want to put and click Ok to finish.

Step 4: Restart Telegram and you will see Khmer font bigger than before.